PROGRAMME _DIONEX: For program of the product (Refer SOP No.PROGRAMME_AGILENT: For program of the product (Refer SOP No.METHODS_SHIMADZU: For method of product.METHODS_DIONEX: For method of product.METHODS_AGILENT: For method of product.CM_QUALIFICATION: For qualification of the instrument.CALIBRATION: For calibration of instrument.
AUDITS: For audit trail for the instruments. Where, YYYY represents as current year i.e. Server database CMDATA_YYYY folder structure as below: New data source shall be created every year with Name “CMDATA_YYYY” and shall be mounted on each of the PC at the starting of the year. Service Engg : Only for maintenance and service purpose of instruments Reviewer : For monitoring of day to day activitiesĪnalyst : For analyst having limited privileges as required Five types of privilege groups shall be identified:Īdministrator : For administrative purpose. Account lock policy for administrator account: After input of wrong user password 05 times, it shall be locked. Account lock policy except administrator account: After input of wrong user password 03 times, it shall be locked. Password restrictions: Minimum password length shall be of 06 characters with alphanumeric special character.
Client locking / Inactivity time out: Client station will lock if no user input receives from client for 5 minutes. Administrator access group and privileges: Administrator belongs to access of all groups. The users and groups are design based on the data base policies.
Head QA or designee is responsible for approval of ID creation, Modification & reallocation forms. Ensure that the activities related to the ID creation of Chromeleon software are performed as specified in this document. Responsible to work on active data source provided on server. Responsible to raise the request for ID creation, Modification & reallocation. Responsible to maintain the record related to ID creation, Modification & reallocation. Responsible for Backup & data restoration. Responsible for ID creation, Modification & reallocation. This SOP is applicable to work in active data source provided on server &all HPLC systems operated using Chromeleon software at Quality control laboratory of manufacturing facility of XXX The purpose of this SOP to lay down a procedure for the working in network of HPLC system using Chromeleon software.